

A minimal notes application in Jetpack Compose with MVVM architecture. Built with components like DataStore, Coroutines, ViewModel, LiveData, Room, Navigation-Compose,...



By @Omico

A current activity monitor. Currently, become an implementation of Google's recommended Android app architecture

Spotify KMP

Spotify KMP

A Kotlin Multiplatform sample that mirrors the architecture of a production-level app! 🚀



E-Commerce App built on Flutter Framework with Firebase as Backend, Multi-Module MVVM Architecture, GetX as State-Management and SQLite.



A scalable Flutter app template that uses flutter_bloc and go_router. Save weeks of work for your next Flutter app 🚀

android mvvm rx

android mvvm rx

Simple MVVM architecture for Android using RX

android clean architecture

android clean architecture

Showcasing a Clean Architecture approach from our Android applications framework!

Kotlin Android Examples

Kotlin Android Examples

Android example app in Kotlin using RxJava and MVP/MVVM architecture with many features.

NoteApp Clean Architecture

NoteApp Clean Architecture

NoteApp with Domain-Driven Clean Architecture with FlutterBloc + Freezed + Hive

Hilt MVVM Compose Movie

Hilt MVVM Compose Movie

Movie World 📱 android app built with Compose, Hilt and MVVM Architecture recommended by Google

multi module clean architecture

multi module clean architecture

Android and Kotlin Multiplatform Multi Module Clean Architecture Proejct

Android advanced blueprint

Android advanced blueprint

Android进阶蓝图,各种新技术的体验demo,快速上手Data Binding,Data Binding Compiler V2,Android Architecture,Room等Android的黑科技

space app

space app

An Android app which shows timeline of upcoming rocket launches and showcases architecture of real application.



App that interacts with a Rest Api. Architecture is MVVM.



A simple MVI Architecture example

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