RecyclerView Pagination using MVP

RecyclerView Pagination using MVP

Basic Pagination with RecyclerView using MVP (Model View Presenter) Android Architecture

RxKotlinStarter Quick N Fast

RxKotlinStarter Quick N Fast

New kotlin architecture for Android applications developing based on ReactiveX,integrates many open source projects( like Kodein,Rxjava2, RxKotlin, Retrofit... ),to make...

Music Player

Music Player

A Music Player App to play songs from local storage, built on MVVM architecture with repository pattern and livedata. Users...

star wars jetpack

star wars jetpack

A sample application to show how implements the Clean Architecture with the new features of Jetpack

android architecture example

android architecture example

A Sample Project for the new Android Architecture with Room, LifecycleObserver, ViewModel and Kodein as Dependency Injection Framework build with...

todo clean architecture

todo clean architecture

By @Alked

📑 A minimalist Android todo app based on Clean Architecture with MVP (for the presentation layer) using architecture components library...

CoinTrack Android MVVM

CoinTrack Android MVVM

Mastering android architecture components by building a real-time cryptocurrency coin tracking app



By @beilo

google 2017官方库demo

flutter news app

flutter news app

This project is currently under development. This project is a demo experimental project aim at finding the best way to...

Sunset hadith

Sunset hadith

Islamic app with 50K+ downloads, Built using Kotlin, Coroutines, Retrofit, OkHttp, Room Database, Dagger-Hilt, MVVM, Clean architecture.

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