android moshi

android moshi

Sample projects using Moshi Json parsing with codegen and reflection implemented with architecture components using data from The Movie Database

depensy app

depensy app

An simple app to track your daily expenses :moneybag: :bar_chart:. The app is built with Kotlin, Hilt, Material components and...

mvvm android

mvvm android

A simple android app written in Kotlin with the MVVM architecture, room database, retrofit and coroutines.

MVVMi Boilerplate

MVVMi Boilerplate

Android MVVMi Boilerplate using Architecture Component

android clean architecture hoga

android clean architecture hoga

:sparkler: A clean-architecture-based Android app that allows you to search and download free beautiful pictures.

android clean architecture boilerplate

android clean architecture boilerplate

Android Clean Architecture Boilerplate Code | Also, do check out the Generator for Android Clean Architecture Boilerplate

popular movies clean

popular movies clean

Udacity's Popular Movies project with Clean Architecture

android mvp todoapp

android mvp todoapp

Android App built using MVP architecture + Dagger + RxJava + Retrofit. API :

recipe maker

recipe maker

By @nikhi1

This repo demonstrates the use of TDD, Koin, Android Architecture Components.

RxMVVM Sample

RxMVVM Sample

By @David

Sample Android application using an MVVM architecture, RxJava2, Kotlin, Kodein, Robolectric, JUnit 5



Android知识百科全书,包括优秀的博客文章,设计模式,流行框架,UI ,常用外设,加解密,媒体,kotlin等等方面的整理



A simple app used to demonstrate clean architecture with coroutines and MVI

Android Architectural Templates

Android Architectural Templates

Architectural templates for Android of different types of pages

clean architecture

clean architecture

Recommendations for sufficiently clean architecture for local database storage and persistent storage.



[DEPRECATED]. Trying to create an Android architecture applying SOLID patterns and modularization (IN PROGRESS YET)

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