Best android open-source packages and libraries.

Recipe maker

This repo demonstrates the use of TDD, Koin, Android Architecture Components.
Updated 2 years ago


The purpose of this repo to demonstrate the use of TDD, Koin, dynamic feature modules and everything JetPack 💪.

This app is leveraging the EventBrite API's to build a clone of EventBrite itself ✌️. Just another client 😄 for education purposes.

The Setup

Currently the application has three feature (supposedly dynamic) modules namely home, onboarding, search. This may change in the future.

As a defacto, the application has three other modules namely app (I bet you guessed it 😉), core (maybe this as well 👍), and test_shared (from plaid)).

The application uses a centralized dependency management logic defined inside buildSrc and its own Plugin to be applied to feature modules. Also, this has been extracted out to an independent repo here if you want it to use in your own app 😄.

This repo tries to combine the learnings from across different blog posts/repos on individual topics and as best effort to apply them here. Mobile development is becoming hard 👻 (bahut hard).
