SQLite-for-Beginners-2019 AndroidGitzella

SQLite for Beginners 2019

SQLite on Android with Room Persistence Library (beginner course)

FirestoreChatApp AndroidGitzella


Simple real-time chat application using Firestore

Kotlin-Singleton-Example AndroidGitzella

Kotlin Singleton Example

Example of creating Singletons with Kotlin with some MVVM architecture

MVIExample AndroidGitzella


A simple MVI Architecture example

RestApiMVVM AndroidGitzella


App that interacts with a Rest Api. Architecture is MVVM.

Navigation-Components-Example AndroidGitzella

Navigation Components Example

An example using a single activity, several fragments, animations, arguments, with Navigation Components (Kotlin)

TabianCustomCamera AndroidGitzella


Custom camera for android using camera2 api (DEPRECATED)

Google-Maps-2018 AndroidGitzella

Google Maps 2018

Google maps, directions, markers, clusters, custom icons, real-time gps updates (like uber) and more