Retrofit AndroidGitzella


A type-safe HTTP client library called Android Retrofit is used to send HTTP queries to RESTful APIs. Because it makes...

Dots.Indicator AndroidGitzella


Represents View Pager Dots Indicator with 3 different awesome styles

Alerter AndroidGitzella


This library seeks to reduce the complexity of your layouts while overcoming the drawbacks of Toasts and Snackbars.

DateTime-Picker AndroidGitzella

DateTime Picker

DateTime Picker tries to offer you the date and time pickers

Code-Scanner AndroidGitzella

Code Scanner

QR Code and Bar code scanner app developed using Google Vision API

WhatsApp AndroidGitzella


This app teaches you how to build a WhatsApp chat clone(prototype) on android using Kotlin, viewmodels, databinding, navigation component and...

BottomNavigation- AndroidGitzella


This library makes it simple for users to use Google's new bottom navigation bar and offers a ton of customization...

TransparentBottomBar AndroidGitzella


A translucent Android material bottom navigation bar library

Color_Picker AndroidGitzella


By touching on the desired color, ColorPickerView allows obtaining HSV colors, ARGB values, and Hex color codes from any image...