Admin Company Laravel

Admin Company Laravel

Auth/ Database: Models/ Database: Migrations/ Database: Seeding/Controllers (index, create, store,edit,update, destroy)/ CRUD (Create / Read / Update / Delete)



This is the fourth repository from PWL Practice. Practicing faker, seeder, migrations, and models



This is the fourth repository from PWL Practice. Practicing faker, seeder, and models

laravel faker

laravel faker

This project creates dummy users and posts with Laravel factories and seeders

api boilerplate mvp

api boilerplate mvp

A boilerplate API provider using Laravel and MySQL as database, implements Repository pattern, csv parser for database seeding, and custom...

laravel eloquent orm

laravel eloquent orm

Aplikasi Laravel 8 relationship sederhana yang bertema Football League. Aplikasi ini dibuat menggunakan Eloquent ORM dan juga Seeders..

laravel migration seeder

laravel migration seeder

Boolean project to learn Laravel seeders



Application build in Laravel with Spatie (User Roles and Permission setup) along with polymorphic complex database relationship, Database Seeder, Modular...



Laravel displays a list of clients generated through a factory and a seeder, elasticsearch is also implemented, indexed field data...

laravel api

laravel api

This basic practice includes how to define and seed a database, accept and validate input, and protect the API with...



“My mother is my root, my foundation. She planted the seed that I base my life on, and that is...



An api for seeding movies from TMDB

laravel seeder reset

laravel seeder reset

Easily truncate tables while seeding in Laravel

laravel projects

laravel projects

Laravel is a popular open-source PHP web application framework known for its elegant syntax, robust features, and developer-friendly tools. It...

laravel api

laravel api

By @Nicola

Backend section of my Portfolio website, migration of the db, seeded with mysql and phpmyadmin, models, controllers and routes, views...

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