06_praktikum_web_lanjut_satu LaravelGitzella


This is the sixth repository from PWL Practice. Practicing laravel ui

11_praktikum_web_lanjut LaravelGitzella


This is the sixth repository from PWL Practice. Practicing laravel rest api, sanctum, etc

10_praktikum_web_lanjut_latihan LaravelGitzella


This is the sixth repository from PWL Practice. Practicing DomPDF library, and upload image using storage

Jobsheet7_Yudas_TI2C LaravelGitzella


This is the seventh repository from PWL Practice. Practicing eloquent relationship, and pagination

04_praktikum_web_lanjut_dua LaravelGitzella


This is the fourth repository from PWL Practice. Practicing faker, seeder, migrations, and models

04_praktikum_web_lanjut_tiga LaravelGitzella


This is the fourth repository from PWL Practice. Practicing faker, seeder, and models

mlbb-pedia LaravelGitzella

mlbb pedia

Basic project for learning livewire

Laravel-Resume LaravelGitzella

Laravel Resume

This is a Rest Server for My Personal Resume Web Apps