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An api for seeding movies from TMDB
Updated 6 months ago


step 1 : First of all you need to download Laravel version 5.8.x

composer create-project --prefer-dist laravel/laravel MovieSeeder "5.8.*"

step 2: require the movie-seeder package through composer

composer require le_54ba/movie_seeder

step 3: publishing serviceproiveders and configs this will create folders docker - database/migrations - config/MovieSeeder.php - config/tmdb.php

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=le_54ba\MovieSeeder\MovieSeederServiceProvider
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=Tmdb\Laravel\TmdbServiceProviderLaravel5

if it didn't copy the files do

php artisan vendor:publish

and choose manually the two service providers

step 4: to configure num_of_records and the scheduler interval time you can edit in config/MovieSeeder.php

	'configrable_interval_timer' =>'*/2 * * * *' ,  //should be cron expression
	'num_of_records'     //Note:that's only for Top rated movie records.there's also one record as recent or latest movie added

in config/tmdb.php edit 'api_key' value to your TMDB api key

step 5: start docker container

docker-compose up -d

step 6: creating and migrating the database edit the .env file


after that in CMD

docker-compose exec mysql bash
mysql -u root -p
//the password is root
GRANT ALL ON movie_seeder.* TO 'root'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'root';
docker-compose exec app php artisan migrate

step 7: run

docker-compose exec app php artisan schedule:run

or start all together

docker-compose exec app php artisan queue:work >> /dev/null 2>&1 & docker-compose exec app php artisan schedule:run >> /dev/null 2>&1 & docker-compose exec app php artisan serve //for linux

docker-compose exec app php artisan queue:work > NUL  & docker-compose exec app php artisan schedule:run > NUL & docker-compose exec app php artisan serve //for windows

you can make the scheduler executed every interval though crontab in linux


hit localhost:8080/movies to list all movies ---- you can add options to the url like &category_id=18 ---- you can query by video=0 or 1 adult=(0 or 1) ---- you can query by "word or letter" in the title,overview,original_language 'title=word&overview=word' ---- by release date equal or after the data given formatted as Y-m-d ---- by popularity,rated &popular|desc or popular|asc ----

Tags seeding php