

Blogging website built with Python Flask as backend, popular frontend technologies.

Rest Api Python 3 7 7 Flask SQLAlchemy JWT Authentication

Rest Api Python 3 7 7 Flask SQLAlchemy JWT Authentication

Software of Application with Python, Flask, SQLAlchemy, Marshmallow, JWT and SQLite,etc. (REST API)

cookiecutter python fullstack

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Generate a Full Stack Python Web App - Choose the framework you want Vue, React, Angular - Can be run...

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Content Security Policy Reporting Endpoint

flask boilerplate structure

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Python Boilerplate in Flask.

Ghods highschool

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An open source frontend and backend project for Ghods highschool.

flask blog

flask blog

基于flask + layui + sqlite的个人博客系统(前台+后台),友好支持markdown。



:computer: Streaming Services Finder and Movies DB Explorer Web App :movie_camera:

Nepali news portal kbd

Nepali news portal kbd

Online webapp that scrapes news from different new portals of Nepal and worldwide. Hosted at heroku.



一般印象,flask 项目适合做一些短小精悍的项目,特别是与 sqlite、mysql 等数据库结合很是般配。但是在一些大公司,特别是一些金融行业等国企公司,还是以 oracle 居多,那么,这个小辣椒(flask)就无用武之地了吗?No, No, No... 下面将以 flask_oracle 项目为例,对 flask 的功能进行一个详细的讲解。

passport verification api

passport verification api

Passport document verifications using machine learning python sklearn



Repositorio de manuales y recursos del entrenamiento "Frameworks de Desarrollo Web en Python" realizado por Leonardo J. Caballero G.

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tongji e shop


flask restplus

flask restplus

Python REST API Documentation For CRUD operations through SQLite and Swagger.



Software of Application with Flask, SQLAlchemy and SQLite

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