IPU-Website FlaskGitzella

IPU Website

IPU Results Portal, the best getaway to obtain results 🔥

WhatsApp-Groups-Analyser FlaskGitzella

WhatsApp Groups Analyser

Web App that gives a detailed report about the WhatsApp Group Chats.

IPUResultAndroidApp AndroidGitzella


Python-Android App for fetching result data 🔥

KivyMLApp FlaskGitzella


The repository host the API for the ML model via FastAPI, Flask and contains android app development files using KivyMD.

Technocolab-Final-Project FlaskGitzella

Technocolab Final Project

Final project made during my internship in Technocolabs.

all-libraries-demo FlaskGitzella

all libraries demo

This repo contains demo code for all the libraries discussed in the Analytics Vidya Article. Link for the same:

FlaskWebsite FlaskGitzella


Blogging website built with Python Flask as backend, popular frontend technologies.