Flask AppBuilder

Flask AppBuilder

Simple and rapid application development framework, built on top of Flask. includes detailed security, auto CRUD generation for your models,...



:snake: :bar_chart: :chart_with_upwards_trend: Build complex dashboards without any front-end code. Use your own endpoints. JSON config only. Ready to go.



By @mher

Create beautiful Javascript charts with minimal code

devops solutions map

devops solutions map

By @Seb

A tool displaying your DevOps solution map and their adoption for each step of the loop. Demo available on GitHub...

real time charts with flask

real time charts with flask

Sample application for the blog "Creating Real-Time Charts with Flask"

Healthkit influxdb grafana

Healthkit influxdb grafana

Publish your Apple HealthKit data via Python Flask HTTP endpoint to InfluxDB to plot in Grafana

flask sqlite3 chartjs toy

flask sqlite3 chartjs toy

:chart_with_upwards_trend: Flask + sqlite3 + chart.js



A HackRU winner project. a user-friendly web-interface robo-adviser for novice traders that want to focus on day and short term...

flask graphite

flask graphite

:chart_with_upwards_trend: Push useful metrics for each request without effort!

covid analysis

covid analysis

A React.js + Flask + MongoDB web application that details information on the Coronavirus, including datasets, news, a time series...

flask IoT analytics

flask IoT analytics

A web application for presenting dynamic charts for IoT data

Visualize Realtime Data Stream Chart in Flask

Visualize Realtime Data Stream Chart in Flask

Automate Visualization of realtime data streams in chart.JS using Flask in python3.

conp portal

conp portal

:bar_chart: The CONP data portal

stock prediction

stock prediction

Stock prediction web app using flask, pandas, scikit-learn and am charts

flask socketio chartist.js

flask socketio chartist.js

Bare-bones flask app using socket.io to stream data to client animating charts with Chartist.js!

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