Spend Analyser Using Python

Spend Analyser Using Python

This repository contains the source code for a Spend Analyser app built with Python using the Streamlit library. The app...



Melbourne Rental Market Dashboard is a web-based platform that helps international students search for affordable rental housing in Melbourne. Built...

historical weather charter

historical weather charter

A historical weather charter that displays ~20 years of highs and mins on a per month scale for any input...



Web app to track income and expenses with simple visual charts, built using Python, Flask, and SQLite.



By @yeeydu

A personal finance project made with Flask, SQLAlchemy ORM and Chart.js. A CRUD for all expenses records, a create and...

flask stockMarketChart

flask stockMarketChart

Chart the stock market

stock prediction dash

stock prediction dash

An interactive stock dashboard, enabling users to input stock codes, select dates, and visualize trends, indicators, and forecasts. Utilized yfinance...

YouTube Trends Dashboard

YouTube Trends Dashboard

YouTube Trends Dashboard is a web-based platform that conduct a comprehensive analysis. Built with Python, SQLite, Flask, Leaflet, Plotly, Chart,...

epidemics sveltekit flask

epidemics sveltekit flask

Web application designed to produce informative charts that illustrate epidemic networks. These charts are generated with D3 using data generated...

global chart watchers

global chart watchers

Website to view the biggest songs in each country's music charts on a map

kelas koding

kelas koding

Dashboard web using flask, bootstrap & chart js

interactive data visualization application

interactive data visualization application

The Interactive Data Visualization Application is a web-based tool developed to facilitate the exploration and analysis of a dataset through...

Interactive Visualizations_Canadian_Rental_market

Interactive Visualizations_Canadian_Rental_market

:chart_with_upwards_trend: Flask based app for website to get insights for the rents :coin:



A Flask-based web app that utilizes an external API to fetch and present comprehensive performance statistics for football players.

Green House Automation

Green House Automation

By @Sri

Working with Dynamic Charts in React JS

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