flask restful example

flask restful example

A RESTful contact API implementation with using Flask SQLAlchemy, PyTest, Marshmallow and Celery.



🐍 A Hackernews clone in flask + python + sqlalchemy

Twitter Clone

Twitter Clone

Made a frontend + backend of Twitter clone in python (Flask) with fully login functionalities, cookie management system, and relational...



A Solver for the Wavelength Assignment Problem (RWA) in WDM networks

Flask Admin Dashboard Summary

Flask Admin Dashboard Summary

Flask-Admin-Dashboard with summary rows



The magical GraphQL framework that generates an API for your data.

yandex disk telegram bot

yandex disk telegram bot

A Telegram bot that integrates Yandex.Disk into Telegram.

flask tweeeter

flask tweeeter

A full-stack Twitter clone made using the Flask framework for Python 🐦



:clap::clap: Integrate cache(redis) [flask etc.] with SQLAlchemy.

python for dotnet developers course

python for dotnet developers course

Course demo code and other hand-out materials for our Python for .NET course

flask rest api

flask rest api

This program shows how to set up a flaskrestapi with postgre db, blueprint, sqlalchemy, marshmallow, wsgi, unittests

Flask Validator

Flask Validator

Validator for SQLAlchemy Models

flask sqlalchemy mysql

flask sqlalchemy mysql

A tutorial on how to use SQLAlchemy with Flask to serve data from MySQL. And also how to dockerize the...

flask blog with db

flask blog with db

How to create flask app with flask_sqlalchemy



Python Ecommerce Api application built with Flask + Flask SQlAlchemy

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