

By @Indico

Indico - A feature-rich event management system, made @ CERN, the place where the Web was born.



A simple chat app created to experiment with Redis, Gevent, Flask & Server-Sent Events.



A simple chat app created to experiment with Redis, Gevent, Flask & Server-Sent Events.



A Server Side Event stream to deliver Reddit comments and submissions in near real-time to a client.

home automation app

home automation app

An app to show weather, todos, calendar events, and a grocery list using a touch display and a raspberry pi.

rasa travel chatbot

rasa travel chatbot

Here is my Senior Design Project that I implemented to graduate from Computer Engineering. It is a chatbot made in...

flask fb neo4j d3

flask fb neo4j d3

By @Cy

Import Facebook events into Neo4j using Flask and visualize with D3



Togger is an easy to use sign up tool for volunteers. Also can be used for various events planing like...

flask socketio demo

flask socketio demo

A demo of using events to perform client-server communication to display real time data on a web page. Bitcoin prices...

webcast assistant

webcast assistant

A little Flask + React application that helps me host live streaming events



Full stack web application to organize study groups and share notes, albums/images, events, and live chat with one another.

event management system

event management system

📣 A comprehensive event management system built with Flask Framework(Python) and MySQL, presented via a web based UI under a...



Python + OpenCV + Flutter project: Smart Door Lock with Facial Recognition, Event Detection and Remote Control over mobile App...

cisco dnac platform webex notifications

cisco dnac platform webex notifications

Receive Events from Cisco DNA Center and push the information to Cisco Webex Teams

devfest embedded devices monorepo

devfest embedded devices monorepo

The monorepo to manage embedded devices we put in each room during the DevFest Toulouse, the devices are here to...

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