example shop py

example shop py

Demo project: Flask + SQLAlchemy + Marshmallow + REST API + pytest + factoryboy

adding a cms to your web app course

adding a cms to your web app course

Course demo code and other hand-out materials for our Adding a CMS course

opentracing utils

opentracing utils

Convenient utilities for adding OpenTracing support in your python projects

flask sqlalchemy socketio demo

flask sqlalchemy socketio demo

Demo for how to use Flask, SQLAlchemy and SocketIO together



A very light social network & RESTful API for sharing books using flask!

flask imp

flask imp

By @David

A Flask auto importer that allows your Flask apps to grow big.




The AG DSN management system

ApiLogicServer src

ApiLogicServer src

Creates executable project from database, customize with rules and Python in your IDE

flask sqlite3 crud
flask image alchemy

flask image alchemy

By @rstit

SQLAlchemy Standarized Image Field for Flask



A history mixin with audit logging, record locking, and time travel for FlaskSQLAlchemy

graygram web
sqlalchemy celery beat

sqlalchemy celery beat

Celery Periodic Tasks backed by the SQLAlchemy

flask quickstart

flask quickstart

A quick-start project template for a RESTful Flask-based application feature SQLAlchemy database integration, object marshalling, JWT authentication and pytest unit-tests.


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