

By @dpc2

Flask web app for tracking the watering schedules of my numerous house plants

MAL Remainder Auto

MAL Remainder Auto

Simple Application that reminds you to update the status of your Current watchlist in MyAnimeList



A simple flask+sqlalchemy webfrontend for cron, in my case used to turn a raspi based internet radio on and off...

Job Scheduling using Max binary Heap

Job Scheduling using Max binary Heap

Priority Job Scheduling using HeapQ



A project that uses the Wit.ai NLP service to provide students with their schedule and help them deal with anxiety...

cron send receipt

cron send receipt

A Python job executed by Cloud Run and scheduled by Cloud Scheduler at the end of every month) which retrieves...

lets studEEE

lets studEEE

A Flask application for study session scheduling

poly cams scraper

poly cams scraper

Class schedule generator for Florida Polytechnic University

rapla filter

rapla filter

REST API for filtering RAPLA schedules

flask scheduler

flask scheduler

Monitoring example: Flask scheduler + Prometheus + Grafana



Simple flask site for converting schedule into different organized schedule :)



Meeting scheduler using Google calendars

celery task scheduler

celery task scheduler

Experiment to understand the concept of queues & works in celery, and how it's different from asyncio library. Besides that,...

What s My Schedule

What s My Schedule

A Facebook Messenger Bot that can help you remind your daily tasks and a personal touch. The messenger bot allows...

Distributed AI on the Edge Platform

Distributed AI on the Edge Platform

Built a Distributed AI-on-the-Edge Platform that is capable of managing & deploying tensor-flow models on it. The platform was built...

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