

An AI-powered scheduling app designed to help you manage your time and get more done.

Priority Task Selection Using Evolutionary Programming

Priority Task Selection Using Evolutionary Programming

A web app that utilizes Evolutionary Programming to determine and prioritize tasks for efficient scheduling.



By @Rakesh

Interview Scheduler is a Python-based application that simplifies the process of scheduling job interviews.

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Process Scheduling Simulator API made in Python.

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Scoping a future cloud application that will intelligently assign users to meetings

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Simple Schdule based task management backend application with REST, and features of GraphQL and SQLAlchemy functionalities. Takes care or all...



A tasks scheduler that inculcates the location of the user. Swagger docs available at

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只是要讓 Google Sheet 透過 XML 的方式同步加密貨幣的價格建立的網站

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