web-scraping-NASA FlaskGitzella

web scraping NASA

Uses Selenium, Flask, and MongoDB to create a news aggregator of NASA information.

sqlalchemy-SQLite-flaskapi FlaskGitzella

sqlalchemy SQLite flaskapi

SQLite Database accessed with SQLAlchemy to perform analysis and create Flask API of the data

proj-gradebook FlaskGitzella

proj gradebook

Development of a database, flask server, and bootstrap dashboard that will aid in monitoring student performance.

sqlalchemy-flask-api-weather FlaskGitzella

sqlalchemy flask api weather

SQLite Database accessed with SQLAlchemy to perform analysis and create Flask API of the data

webdev-AB-testing FlaskGitzella

webdev AB testing

Flask app that tracks webpage interactions for A/B testing

proj-scheduler-app FlaskGitzella

proj scheduler app

Scoping a future cloud application that will intelligently assign users to meetings