music terminal application

music terminal application

Control the Spotify application through the terminal

who just unfollowed me

who just unfollowed me

By @Sorin

Python Flask app that tracks follower activity on Twitter.

todo list tpi svelte


Telegram bot using Strava API to access athlete's data.



Own implementation of an authentication server (OAuth 2.0) with the python library Authlib



Proof of Concept for an OAuth Client in Python with Flask

oauthornot admin bot

oauthornot admin bot

A Flask web server with endpoints that activate Selenium workers to mimick human behaviour. Part of OAuthOrNot, currently in Pre-Alpha.

fusionauth python flask example

fusionauth python flask example

integrate FusionAuth with a Python Flask application using OAuth 2.0



Currently developing a web Application built with Python, MySQL/Postgres, Flask , Google API OAuth 2.0 for login authentication & authorization,...

oAuth with Github Python

oAuth with Github Python

A easy python code how to generate a oAuthentifcation application with Github & Python

A full-stack web application geared towards open-source project discovery for new contributors. Consumes an enriched, Dockerized GitHub API proxy with...

vpn idp

vpn idp


Authentication in WireGuard VPNs with Identity Providers and OAuth 2.0.

spotify liked tracks playlist generator

spotify liked tracks playlist generator

Spotify Liked Tracks Playlist Generator - A web app that creates a playlist containing all your liked tracks on Spotify...

flask usos oauth demo

flask usos oauth demo

Simple flask app demo for authenticating using USOS API


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