Best Flask open-source libraries and packages

Oauthornot admin bot

A Flask web server with endpoints that activate Selenium workers to mimick human behaviour. Part of OAuthOrNot, currently in Pre-Alpha.
Updated 1 year ago

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A web server that takes URLs and mimicks if a SysAdmin would mistakenly click on that URL in a phishing email.

Part of the OAuthOrNot package.



  • Uses multiprocessing's Queue to create a distributed task queue, like a simplified version of Celery
  • Selenium Webdriver is used with the geckodriver to spawn sessions and configure safety features
  • Integrates with the OAuth 2.0 flow of Github to log in users
  • Flask and its Render templates are used to create a simple WSGI server

Minimum environment requirements

  • Python 3.10.8


git clone

Setup virtual environment:

python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate

Install requirements:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Download and run Selenium Manager to set geckodriver in $PATH:

curl -O
chmod +x selenium-manager
./selenium-manager --browser firefox

Create an .env file in the repository root, containing the following:





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