Restaurant_Menu RESTFUL API

Restaurant_Menu RESTFUL API

By @Anum

This application provides a list of items within a variety of categories as well as provide a user registration(google or...

Item catalog

Item catalog

content management system using the Flask framework in Python. Authentication is provided via OAuth and all data is stored within...



Simple OAuth2 library for Python

Item Catalog project

Item Catalog project

By @kem

Data driven web application built using Flask framework in python. Provide authentication using Oauth and stored data using Postgresql.

udacity item catalog

udacity item catalog

The item catalog project is part of the Udacity Full Stack Developer nanodegree. This project sets up a functional web...



A Flask application to obtain credentials for the Spotify API

content aggregator

content aggregator

content aggregator website

Item Catalog

Item Catalog

To create Item Catalog



Python 3.6 Flask rest app with Oauth authorization

api sample oauth2 acg py

api sample oauth2 acg py

By @Isogeo

Sample project to illustrate how to authentifiy to Isogeo API with Authorization Code Grant flow

freesound oauth2 python flask

freesound oauth2 python flask

A simple web app based on flask and python to download original sound files from using oauth2 authorizsation

link collector

link collector

[ARCHIVED] Multi-user bookmarking app. Technologies used include Python, Flask, SQL, Google Sign-In/OAuth



Accounts Management

item catalog

item catalog

Item catalog is a Udacity Fullstack nanodegree's project.

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