

Flask projects - JWT, Token validation, Auth, Logging, CRUD, Web Scraping etc...



A sample Flask REST API that uses SQLite Db and Flask-JWT for authentication.

flask oauth2

flask oauth2

OAuth2.0/OpenID authentication with backend in Flask.



Simple JWT authentication in flask taken from ->

FSND Capstone

FSND Capstone

Capstone is the final project for Udacity Full-Stack web developer nanondegree. It uses all of the learned concepts. Including using...

Social Monitoring

Social Monitoring

This project was built on react-hooks, context API and flask with JWT authentication. With this application we are able to...

example rest api

example rest api

A simple REST API made in Python in Flask. CRUD operations are limited by authentication implemented using JWT.

Flask Jwt Auth

Flask Jwt Auth

Testing some jwts

flask app

flask app

A RESTful API with JWT user authorization to be used for creating, taking and viewing surveys.



Basic Flask API blank template using SQLALchemy with JWT Bearer Authorization

RESTApi JWT template

RESTApi JWT template

Just another backend REST Api template using Flask + JWT Auth

ngnamuit sample python api

ngnamuit sample python api

RestAPI use UI manage (Swagger) and JWT for authentication requests

flask jwt auth rest

flask jwt auth rest

Flask Rest apis for JWT based authentication + template UI interaction (Monolithic Code)

Flask Chat Server

Flask Chat Server

By @Eric

A REST api for a chat server built with Flask and DynamoDB. Authentication is handled using JWTs and run on...

rest api

rest api

REST API built with Python and Flask-RESTful. I adapted this project from Jose Salvatierra's Udemy course: https://github.com/tecladocode/rest-api-sections.

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