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Data visualization using chartjs

Visualize the data generated in a flask application created for a classroom teacher.
Updated 2 months ago

Data Visualization Using ChartJS

Powerful stories are told using data.

Data stories


This is a sample flask app for a classroom teacher to understand the performance of students in select subjects throught the year. A teacher will add subject meanscores in the form at the end of a term and see how the latest score fares against other meanscores.

Technologies Used

  • Flask framework for the web server
  • Python for programming
  • ChartJS for the charts

  • SQLite for the database
  • SQLAlchemy for the ORM
  • Flask-migrate for database migrations
  • Flask-wtf for the forms
  • Flask-bootstrap for styling and cross-browser responsiveness
  • Flask-login to handle user sessions
  • Gunicorn and psycopg2 for Heroku deployment


Live Deployment Usage

You can log in as a pre-created teacher using the following credentials:

Alternatively, you can register your own user.

Local Usage

Clone this repo:

$ git clone

Change your current working directory to the root of the repo:

$ cd data-visualization-using-chartjs

Create and activate a virtual environment:

$ mkvirtualenv venv # using virtualenvwrapper

Install project requirements in the virtual environment:

(venv)$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Run the application:

(venv)$ flask run

Paste http://localhost:5000/ in your favourite browser to access the project. You should be able to see the application running.

ChartJS Usage in the Application

All the meanscores from the form are stored in the database.

form = MeanScore()
if form.validate_on_submit():
    meanscore = Meanscore(,,,,,,

The database is queried and the results are appended to lists which will be used in the charts.

term_meanscore = teacher.meanscores.all()

terms = []
math = []
english = []
science = []
ict = []
history = []

for term in term_meanscore:

In the templates, the indivial elements in the lists are retrieved and used as dataset values in the charts. To draw multiple graphs on one chart, several dictionaries have to be created. Colors are used to add visual flair to the charts.

    var ctx = document.getElementById('myChart').getContext('2d');
    var myChart = new Chart(ctx, {
        type: 'line',
        data: {
            labels: [
                {% for term in terms %}
                    'Term {{ term }}',
                {% endfor %}
            datasets: [{
                label: 'Math',
                data: [
                    {% for math_score in math %}
                        {{ math_score }},
                    {% endfor %}
                backgroundColor: ['white'],
                borderColor: ['teal'],
                borderWidth: 1
            }, {
                label: 'English',
                data: [
                    {% for english_score in english %}
                        {{ english_score }},
                    {% endfor %}
                backgroundColor: ['purple'],
                borderColor: ['red'],
            }, {
                label: 'Science',
                data: [
                    {% for science_score in science %}
                        {{ science_score }},
                    {% endfor %}
                backgroundColor: ['black'],
                borderColor: ['cyan'],
            }, {
                label: 'ICT',
                data: [
                    {% for ict_score in ict %}
                        {{ ict_score }},
                    {% endfor %}
                backgroundColor: ['orange'],
                borderColor: ['pink'],
            }, {
                label: 'History',
                data: [
                    {% for history_score in history %}
                        {{ history_score }},
                    {% endfor %}
                backgroundColor: ['green'],
                borderColor: ['yellow'],
        options: {
            scales: {
                yAxes: [{
                    ticks: {
                        beginAtZero: true


If you are interested in understanding how the project was created, please refer to this chartjs tutorial.