WhatsappUI-Android AndroidGitzella

WhatsappUI Android

A recreation of Whatsapp(Android) UI in Android.

YouTube-UI AndroidGitzella

YouTube UI

A recreation of UI of the YouTube app in Android

Instagram-UI-Android AndroidGitzella

Instagram UI Android

An Instagram UI recreation in Android with slight customizations like curved bottom nav and new profile look.

TastyToasty AndroidGitzella


An easy-to-use library to create tasty 😋 Toasts with a bunch of flavours 🌈. It also provides effortless methods to...

MiniProject AndroidGitzella


A simple project demonstating the use of libraries like Firebase Authentication (Google SignIn), Realtime Database and Firebase Recycler Adapter.

ProgressTracker AndroidGitzella


An Android app to track the progress of a team by displaying statistics of the members in the form of...