hackersandslackers-api-old FlaskGitzella

hackersandslackers api old

🔌 Standalone API to handle account creation, auto-publish to medium, and sitewide link embeds.

account-creation-endpoint FlaskGitzella

account creation endpoint

:package: User account creation as a service. Handles Auth, mailing lists, analytics, and more.

jira-importendpoint FlaskGitzella

jira importendpoint

:mens: 💾 Imports issues from JIRA instance to database.

jira-database-etl FlaskGitzella

jira database etl

:mens: 💾 Script to import issues from a JIRA instance into a database.

pythonmyadmin FlaskGitzella


🐍🖥 Lightweight GUI for modifying database tables.

linkbox-api FlaskGitzella

linkbox api

:link: :package: A single endpoint which generates metadata previews of any given URL.

plotlydash-flask-tutorial FlaskGitzella

plotlydash flask tutorial

📊📉 Embed Plotly Dash into your Flask applications.

flasklogin-tutorial FlaskGitzella

flasklogin tutorial

:man_technologist: :key: Build Flask apps with user creation and log-in functionally.