BorutoServer AndroidGitzella


This is a Ktor server built for the purpose of my online course.

BorutoApp AndroidGitzella


This is an Android app built with Jetpack Compose. It uses Paging 3 library to fetch the data from our...

OneTapCompose AndroidGitzella


This library allow you to easily integrate One-Tap Sign in with Google(Credential Manager) in your project with Jetpack Compose. It...

Stopwatch-Android-App AndroidGitzella

Stopwatch Android App

Stopwatch is a simple Android application developed with Jetpack Compose.

MessageBarCompose AndroidGitzella


Animated Message Bar UI that can be wrapped around your screen content in order to display Error/Success messages in your...

KotlinMultiplatformDemo AndroidGitzella


A simple demo application built with Kobweb (Compose HTML) framework. This project contains a frontend/backend as well as an Android...

BlogMultiplatform AndroidGitzella


Full Stack Kotlin Multiplatform Blog application, built with Kobweb for the frontend/backend, and Jetpack Compose for the Android part.

ToDo-App-Compose-Multiplatform AndroidGitzella

ToDo App Compose Multiplatform

A basic To-Do app built with Kotlin/Compose Multiplatform technology for both Android & iOS, using MongoDB Realm as a data...