silverstripe-environmentcheck LaravelGitzella

silverstripe environmentcheck

A Silverstripe module that provides an API for creating environment checks

silverstripe-graphql LaravelGitzella

silverstripe graphql

Serves Silverstripe data as GraphQL representations

silverstripe-gatsby LaravelGitzella

silverstripe gatsby

Provides a GraphQL API that allows Gatsby to use your SilverStripe CMS as a data source

silverstripe-graphql-devtools LaravelGitzella

silverstripe graphql devtools

Tools to help developers building new applications on Silverstripe’s GraphQL API

silverstripe-cms LaravelGitzella

silverstripe cms

Silverstripe CMS - this is a module for Silverstripe Framework rather than a standalone app. Use to set this...

silverstripe-crontask LaravelGitzella

silverstripe crontask

Easily setup tasks to be run by using cron expressions

silverstripe-staticpublishqueue LaravelGitzella

silverstripe staticpublishqueue

This module allows you to build static HTML caches of every page (for increased security and performance)

silverstripe-gridfieldqueuedexport LaravelGitzella

silverstripe gridfieldqueuedexport

Export large data sets from your GridField in the Silverstripe CMS interface through async jobs

silverstripe-securityreport LaravelGitzella

silverstripe securityreport

"Users, Groups and Permissions" report in Silverstripe CMS

silverstripe-activedirectory LaravelGitzella

silverstripe activedirectory

Adds Active Directory support to SilverStripe including user synchronisation and SSO/LDAP authentication

multi-domain LaravelGitzella

multi domain

Allows multiple domains to access one CMS instance, mapping them to different sections of the hierarchy

silverstripe-secureassets LaravelGitzella

silverstripe secureassets

SilverStripe module that adds access restrictions to folders in assets, similar to the way you secure pages