yahoo-finance-api LaravelGitzella

yahoo finance api

PHP client for Yahoo Finance API 📈

two-factor-bundle LaravelGitzella

two factor bundle

[ABANDONED] Two-factor authentication for Symfony 2 & 3 applications 🔐. Please use the newer versions from

2fa-backup-code LaravelGitzella

2fa backup code

[READ ONLY] Extends scheb/2fa-bundle with backup codes support

2fa-bundle LaravelGitzella

2fa bundle

[READ ONLY] A generic interface to implement two-factor authentication in Symfony applications

2fa LaravelGitzella


Two-factor authentication for Symfony applications 🔐

in-memory-data-storage LaravelGitzella

in memory data storage

A simple in-memory data storage for PHP

2fa-google-authenticator LaravelGitzella

2fa google authenticator

[READ ONLY] Extends scheb/2fa-bundle with two-factor authentication using Google Authenticator