permissions-flow AndroidGitzella

permissions flow

A simple library to make it easy requesting permissions in Android using Kotlin Coroutines.

camerax-demo AndroidGitzella

camerax demo

A sample camera app with CameraX API from Android Jetpack

custom-floating-action-button AndroidGitzella

custom floating action button

This view is for replacement of standard Floating Action Button from Google Support Library. It is easy to use, customizable...

material-expansion-panel AndroidGitzella

material expansion panel

Expansion panels contain creation flows and allow lightweight editing of an element.

media-picker AndroidGitzella

media picker

Easy customizable picker for all your needs in Android application

material-chip-view AndroidGitzella

material chip view

Material Chip view. Can be used as tags for categories, contacts or creating text clouds

composable-button-toggle-group AndroidGitzella

composable button toggle group

ComposableButtonToggleGroup is the implementation of MaterialButtonToggleGroup for Jetpack Compose