predis-adapter LaravelGitzella

predis adapter

[READ-ONLY] Predis PSR-6 Cache pool

void-adapter LaravelGitzella

void adapter

[READ-ONLY] Void or Blackhole PSR-6 Cache pool

memcached-adapter LaravelGitzella

memcached adapter

[READ-ONLY] Memcached PSR-6 Cache pool

cache LaravelGitzella


This is the main repository for all our cache adapters

adapter-common LaravelGitzella

adapter common

[READ-ONLY] Common classes for PSR-6 Cache pools

hierarchical-cache LaravelGitzella

hierarchical cache

[READ-ONLY] A library to make a PSR-6 cache implementation supports cache hierarchy

filesystem-adapter LaravelGitzella

filesystem adapter

[READ-ONLY] Filesystem PSR-6 Cache pool using Flysystem

array-adapter LaravelGitzella

array adapter

[READ-ONLY] Array PSR-6 Cache pool

redis-adapter LaravelGitzella

redis adapter

[READ-ONLY] Redis PSR-6 Cache pool

cache-bundle LaravelGitzella

cache bundle

Symfony PSR-6 Cache Bundle

integration-tests LaravelGitzella

integration tests

Integration tests for your PSR-6 cache implementation

simple-cache-bridge LaravelGitzella

simple cache bridge

[READ-ONLY] A bridge to convert PSR-6 to SimpleCache