craft-multi-environment LaravelGitzella

craft multi environment

Efficient and flexible multi-environment config for Craft CMS

fastcgicachebust LaravelGitzella


DEPRECATED Bust the Nginx FastCGI Cache when entries are saved or created.

craft-fastcgicachebust LaravelGitzella

craft fastcgicachebust

Bust the Nginx FastCGI Cache when entries are saved or created.

dotenvy LaravelGitzella


Speed up your production sites by ditching .env for key/value variable pairs as Apache, Nginx, and shell equivalents

instantanalytics LaravelGitzella


DEPRECATED Instant Analytics brings full Google Analytics support to your Twig templates and automatic Craft Commerce integration with Google Enhanced...

buffer LaravelGitzella


DEPRECATED Send social updates to Twitter, Facebook, etc. through via Twig templates, URLs, and plugins.

craft-seomatic LaravelGitzella

craft seomatic

SEOmatic facilitates modern SEO best practices & implementation for Craft CMS 3. It is a turnkey SEO system that is...

cookies LaravelGitzella


DEPRECATED Secure Cookies for Twig Templates in Craft CMS

routemap LaravelGitzella


DEPRECATED Returns a list of Craft/Vue/React route rules and entry & asset URLs for ServiceWorkers from Craft entries

craft-routemap LaravelGitzella

craft routemap

Returns a list of Craft/Vue/React route rules and element URLs for ServiceWorkers from Craft entries