silsilah LaravelGitzella


A genealogy/family tree application, built with Laravel.

free-pmo LaravelGitzella

free pmo

Project management software for freelancers or agencies, built with Laravel.

laravel-backup-manager LaravelGitzella

laravel backup manager

Laravel 5.3 with Database Backup and Restore Example

SimpleCrudGenerator LaravelGitzella


Faster test-driven development for CRUD feature in Laravel project.

grosir-obat LaravelGitzella

grosir obat

Sebuah sistem kasir dan manajemen produk obat untuk penjualan Grosir

laravel-queue-notifier-example LaravelGitzella

laravel queue notifier example

Example for notifying users when a background (job) process has been completed.

Mini-CRM LaravelGitzella

Mini CRM

Mini CRM project, a challenge from Laravel Daily blog post.

dompet LaravelGitzella


A personal bookkeeping web application, built with Laravel.

laravel-multi-table-auth LaravelGitzella

laravel multi table auth

Example Laravel 5.6 application with multi table authentication.

simple-crud-generator-docs LaravelGitzella

simple crud generator docs

Documentation for the SimpleCRUDGenerator package.

FormField LaravelGitzella


Laravel Form Field the extension of Laravelcollective Form