MarkdownView-Android AndroidGitzella

MarkdownView Android

Markdown lets you easily display markdown data in android and its compose ready.

android-otpview-pinview AndroidGitzella

android otpview pinview

A custom view to enter otp of different sizes used usually in cases of authentication.

photofilter AndroidGitzella


A simple easy to use library that lets you edit pictures on the fly with easy. Photo filter lets you...

country-picker-android AndroidGitzella

country picker android

A simple library that displays a beautiful list of all the countries allowing the user to pick the country he...

Android-Tamper-Detector AndroidGitzella

Android Tamper Detector

A simple library that can help you detect if you app is modded or tampered with

easypermissions-android AndroidGitzella

easypermissions android

A simple library that will remove all the boilerplate code and speed up your work with new Runtime Permissions introduced...

social-login-helper-Deprecated- AndroidGitzella

social login helper Deprecated

A simple android library to easily implement social login into your android project

liquidrefreshlayout AndroidGitzella


Liquid Refresh Layout is a simple SwipeToRefresh library that helps you easily integrate SwipeToRefresh and performs simple clean liquid animation

Google-Places-AutoComplete-EditText AndroidGitzella

Google Places AutoComplete EditText

A simple library that can connect your autocomplete edittext to Google places api

snake-game-android AndroidGitzella

snake game android

Snake game for Android made with Jetpack Compose