laravel-firebase-sync LaravelGitzella

laravel firebase sync

Synchronize your Eloquent models with a Firebase Realtime Database.

laravel-apidoc-generator LaravelGitzella

laravel apidoc generator

Laravel API Documentation Generator

teamwork LaravelGitzella


User to Team associations with invitation system for the Laravel 5 Framework

laravel-test-factory-helper LaravelGitzella

laravel test factory helper

Generate Laravel test factories from your existing models

versionable LaravelGitzella


Laravel Model versioning made easy

captainhook LaravelGitzella


Add Webhooks to your Laravel app, arrr

laravel-face-auth LaravelGitzella

laravel face auth

Laravel Face authentication

laravel-composite-key LaravelGitzella

laravel composite key

PHP trait to use composite keys in your Laravel Eloquent models.

reauthenticate LaravelGitzella


Reauthenticate users by letting them re-enter their passwords for specific parts of your app.

laravel-firebase-sync-example LaravelGitzella

laravel firebase sync example

Example project demonstrating the usage of the laravel-firebase-sync package

socialite-slack LaravelGitzella

socialite slack

Slack OAuth2 Provider for Laravel Socialite

reflection-docblock LaravelGitzella

reflection docblock

Fork of phpdocumentor/reflection-docblock to work with the api-documentation-generator