enso LaravelGitzella


Laravel Vue SPA, Bulma themed. For demo login use `admin@laravel-enso.com` & `password` -

tables LaravelGitzella


Bulma themed, VueJS powered Datatable with server-side loading and JSON template setup

rememberable LaravelGitzella


Laravel Traits for fast integration of model caching

notifications LaravelGitzella


Laravel Enso Notifications package, built to be used with pusher, is meant for keeping your users in the loop with...

comments LaravelGitzella


Laravel Enso Comments package, allowing for a straightforward collaboration and interaction between users, with policy enforced rules, real time notifications,...

permissions LaravelGitzella


Laravel Enso Permission Manger interface for easy management of access to your application's resources

logs LaravelGitzella


Laravel Enso Log Manager, so that your admins can troubleshoot issues when they arise without needing to 'SSH' to the...

control-panel-api LaravelGitzella

control panel api

Laravel Enso Control Panel API that needs to run on the monitored applications in order to have various metrics available

VueAdminLTE LaravelGitzella


Laravel Enso collection of VueJS, AdminLTE styled components, meant to be used standalone or together with other Enso packages

activity-log LaravelGitzella

activity log

Easy to configure and beautiful to look at activity logger for your models' events

files LaravelGitzella


Laravel Enso file management add-on for smoothing out some of common cases found when working with files

documents LaravelGitzella


Laravel Enso Document Uploader and Manager package, meant to help you attach, download, remove and keep track of the user's...