PHP-URL LaravelGitzella


A PHP Class to parse and manipulate URLs

PHP-Encryption LaravelGitzella

PHP Encryption

Encryption in PHP.

PHP-Hashing LaravelGitzella

PHP Hashing

This Package provides secure Bcrypt and Argon2 hashing for storing user passwords.

PHP-Cryptography-class LaravelGitzella

PHP Cryptography class

This class has been Deprecated you can try now

PHP-Pagination LaravelGitzella

PHP Pagination

Simple pagination library implements a paging interface on collections of things.

PHP-http-client LaravelGitzella

PHP http client

http-client is the php package. It provides the ability to manage and parse request object. It also provides support for...

EasyTools-Source AndroidGitzella

EasyTools Source

Easytools app for android|IOS