cakephp-environments LaravelGitzella

cakephp environments

Deprecated CakePHP3: Environments Library as a plugin

cakephp-admin LaravelGitzella

cakephp admin

CakePHP2: Deprecated in favor of

cakephp-users LaravelGitzella

cakephp users

A simple wrapper for various projects to make crud and user management a breeze

cakephp-queuesadilla LaravelGitzella

cakephp queuesadilla

CakePHP3: easily run background jobs on various message backends

cakephp-version LaravelGitzella

cakephp version

CakePHP3: plugin that facilitates versioned database entities

php-queuesadilla LaravelGitzella

php queuesadilla

PHP job/worker system built to support various queuing systems

php-dotenv LaravelGitzella

php dotenv

dotenv file loader for PHP

cakephp-calendar-helper LaravelGitzella

cakephp calendar helper

Deprecated: helper that can turn a list of events into a nice, tableized calendar

cakephp-mail-preview LaravelGitzella

cakephp mail preview

Deprecated CakePHP3: preview emails during development

cakephp-sitemap LaravelGitzella

cakephp sitemap

Deprecated: a simple helper that will help you build xml sitemaps and sitemap indexes

cakephp-webservice LaravelGitzella

cakephp webservice

CakePHP2: Takes the data you set and automatically serves it as JSON and XML

cakephp-log LaravelGitzella

cakephp log

CakePHP2: logable behavior packaged as a standalone plugin