laravel-auth LaravelGitzella

laravel auth

Laravel 10 with user authentication, registration with email confirmation, social media authentication, password recovery, and captcha protection. Uses offical [Bootstrap...

laravel2step LaravelGitzella


Laravel 2-Step verification is a package to add 2-Step user authentication to any Laravel project easily. It is configurable and...

laravel-roles LaravelGitzella

laravel roles

A Powerful package for handling roles and permissions in Laravel with GUI. Supports Laravel 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, 5.6, 5.7, 5.8,...

laravel-logger LaravelGitzella

laravel logger

An out the box activity logger for your Laravel or Lumen application. Laravel logger is an activity event logger for...

laravel-dashboard LaravelGitzella

laravel dashboard

This is an example of Spatie Laravel Dashboard using Livewire and package components. This example has all settings extended to...

laravel-phpinfo LaravelGitzella

laravel phpinfo

Laravel PHP Info is a package that provides a PHPInfo() page using blade templating. The config file can be used...

laravel-tasks LaravelGitzella

laravel tasks

An app of tasks lists for each individual user. Built on Laravel 5.2, using 5.2 authentication and middleware. This has...

laravel-exception-notifier LaravelGitzella

laravel exception notifier

Laravel Exception Notifier will send an email of the error along with the stack trace to the chosen recipients. This...

laravel-passport LaravelGitzella

laravel passport

Laravel-passport is a basic API server build using Laravel, Passport, and Vue.js License Build Status This will act as the...

laravel-time-tracker LaravelGitzella

laravel time tracker

Laravel Angular Time Tracker is a simple time tracking application built on Laravel 5.2, Angular 2, and Bootstrap 3. It...

laravel-podcast LaravelGitzella

laravel podcast

Laravel Podcast is Laravel 5.5 web app that enables you to manage RSS feeds for your favorite podcasts and listen...

laravel-https LaravelGitzella

laravel https

Laravel Https is middleware to check for Secure HTTP requests. Laravel Https has can check for HTTPS and throw an...