Android-Goldfinger AndroidGitzella

Android Goldfinger

Android library to simplify Biometric authentication implementation.

android_dbinspector AndroidGitzella


Android library for viewing, editing and sharing in app databases.

Retromock AndroidGitzella


Java library for mocking responses in a Retrofit service.

MjolnirRecyclerView AndroidGitzella


[DEPRECATED] This library is no longer maintained and it will not receive any more updates.

android-collar AndroidGitzella

android collar

Gradle plugin which collects all analytics screen names, events and user properties for Android projects.

thrifty-retrofit-converter AndroidGitzella

thrifty retrofit converter

Retrofit converter which uses Thrifty for Apache Thrift-compatible serialization

android-sentinel AndroidGitzella

android sentinel

Sentinel is a simple one screen UI which provides a standardised entry point for tools used in development and QA...

android_connectionbuddy AndroidGitzella


Utility library for handling connectivity change events.

Android-Prince-of-Versions AndroidGitzella

Android Prince of Versions

Android library for handling application updates.

android-complexify AndroidGitzella

android complexify

An Android library which makes checking the quality of user's password a breeze.

Android-GoldenEye AndroidGitzella

Android GoldenEye

A wrapper for Camera1 and Camera2 API which exposes simple to use interface.

kotlin-jsonapix AndroidGitzella

kotlin jsonapix

JsonApiX is an Android, annotation processor library that was made to transform regular Kotlin classes into their JSON API representations,...