CAB0_SimpleTodo AndroidGitzella


Codepath Android Bootcamp | Prework: Simple Todo: This is a simple Android application that stores the user's TODO list in...

QuickAlphaPost AndroidGitzella


Quick Alpha Post: A simple Android application that displays the latest global posts from Alpha by

HXAudioPlayer AndroidGitzella


HX Audio Player: A custom audio wrapper library for Android 2.3 and above. Originally designed as an audio library for...

GfyCatnip AndroidGitzella


GfyCatnip | GIF Hack: GfyCatnip is an Android application that organizes your favorite animated GIFs for use later on messaging...

AN12_SpotifyStreamer AndroidGitzella


Android Nanodegree | Project 1-2: Spotify Streamer M: An application that utilizes the Spotify API to allow users to search...

TalesOfTheCursedKing AndroidGitzella


Tales of the Cursed King: An Android application in which you can view movie cutscenes from the Sony PlayStation 2...

GuildWars2_APIViewer AndroidGitzella


Guild Wars 2 API Viewer: An Android application used for viewing various Guild Wars 2 API endpoint responses. Developed utilizing...

GlassScandit AndroidGitzella


Glass Scandit: A modification of the Scandit sample demo from the Scandit SDK to run and scan barcodes on the...

PlainOrdinaryAndroidNews AndroidGitzella


Plain Ordinary Android News: A basic Android application for viewing the latest news from various news sources using the News...

DashNearby AndroidGitzella


Dash Nearby: An Android application that displays a list of DoorDash-affiliated restaurants nearby. Developed utilizing MVVM architecture, in conjunction with...