climate_analysis_sqlalchemy_flask FlaskGitzella


A Flask API for queries based on climate analysis and data exploration.

belly_button_biodiversity FlaskGitzella


A full stack interactive dashboard to explore the Belly Button Biodiversity Data from The Public Science Lab. Check it here:...

myers-briggs-personality-prediction FlaskGitzella

myers briggs personality prediction

NLP based Classification Model that predicts a person's personality type as one of the 16 Myers Briggs personality types. Extremely...

project_australian_bushfires_webapp FlaskGitzella


Detailed analysis of deadly Australian Bushfires, their locations, number of fires, impact caused by the fires and climate & greenhouse...

mission_to_mars FlaskGitzella


A web scraping project that uses requests, selenium, splinter to scrape data from various urls, save it in mongodb and...