room-livedata-kt AndroidGitzella

room livedata kt

:rocket: :door: Example of Android Architecture Components : Room + LiveData

validaThor AndroidGitzella


:books: :white_check_mark: :no_entry_sign: Easy Android validator library to check if strings match with regex patterns

android_iptv AndroidGitzella


:tv: :satellite: An example of android iptv implementation parsing m3u/m3u8 files from internet.

clean-architecture-android AndroidGitzella

clean architecture android

:triangular_ruler: :open_file_folder: Little example about Clean Architecture on Android. :triangular_flag_on_post: Fake location tracking app

opencv-edge-detector AndroidGitzella

opencv edge detector

:black_square_button: :sparkles: Awesome real time edge detector build with OpenCV library for android

flask-rest-api FlaskGitzella

flask rest api

:postbox: :email: :elephant: Flask REST API example with PostgreSQL database.

images-processing AndroidGitzella

images processing

Project of computational mathematics, image processing, eliminating the noise of an image, reflection of an image and canny filter