pmanager LaravelGitzella


A project management system built using laravel. Watch full video here

lumen-api-microservice-platform-boilerplate-with-authentication-token LaravelGitzella

lumen api microservice platform boilerplate with authentication token

This is a sample lumen api/microservice plaform built with authentication and tokenization already working. Just clone it and start building...

socialite LaravelGitzella


A laravel 5.6 full application boiler plate that uses socialite package to implement login with facebook, twitter, github and linkedin

Laravel-Admin-user-roles LaravelGitzella

Laravel Admin user roles

Laravel 5.6 multi-user-role and admin dashboard using adminlte

Laravel-passport-api-example LaravelGitzella

Laravel passport api example

This is a quick example of how to use laravel to build a microservice. It is a working minimal setup...

ionic2-firebase-hackathon-starter AndroidGitzella

ionic2 firebase hackathon starter

A hackathon starter for ionic2 using firebase, already has user authentication, reset password, google login etc

ionicupload AndroidGitzella


An Ionic 3 / Firebase application for user authentication, image upload and push notification

fireblogger AndroidGitzella


Ionic 2 social media microblogging platform built with firebase 3 as backend

Ionic3-firebase-authentication-geofire-geolocation AndroidGitzella

Ionic3 firebase authentication geofire geolocation

This is a sample project that handles complete user authentication with firebase and geolocation with geofire. Just clone it and...

laravel-social-network LaravelGitzella

laravel social network

A social networking app built with Laravel. The tutorial is obtainable at

laravel-qrcode-ecommerce LaravelGitzella

laravel qrcode ecommerce

This is a complete laravel project that handles qrcodes, payments, api/microservices, and ecommerce