php-rest-template LaravelGitzella

php rest template

Boilerplate project template for create RESTFul services with docker and database integrated

micro-orm LaravelGitzella

micro orm

A micro framework for create a very simple decoupled ORM (sqlite, mysql, postgres, sqlserver)

php-swagger-test LaravelGitzella

php swagger test

A set of tools for testing your REST calls based on the swagger documentation using PHPUnit

migration-cli LaravelGitzella

migration cli

Command Line Interface for Database Migration

migration LaravelGitzella


Simple library writen in PHP without framework dependancy for database version control. Supports Sqlite, MySql, Sql Server and Postgres

php-daemonize LaravelGitzella

php daemonize

Transform any class in a *nix daemon process or cron job without changes or refactoring.

imageutil LaravelGitzella


A wrapper collection for GD library in PHP.

jwt-wrapper LaravelGitzella

jwt wrapper

A very simple wrapper for create, encode, decode JWT Tokens and abstract the PHP JWT Component

jwt-session LaravelGitzella

jwt session

JwtSession is a PHP session replacement. Instead of use FileSystem, just use JWT TOKEN. The implementation follow the SessionHandlerInterface.

webrequest LaravelGitzella


A lightweight and highly customized CURL wrapper for making RESt calls and a wrapper for call dynamically SOAP requests.

xmlnuke LaravelGitzella


This project is deprecated and split into a several projects. Please see:

anydataset LaravelGitzella


Anydataset Core Module. Anydataset is an agnostic data source abstraction layer in PHP.