Laravel-Sanctum-and-Role-Base-Access-in-Laravel-8 LaravelGitzella

Laravel Sanctum and Role Base Access in Laravel 8

Using Laravel Sanctum & Role Base Access for API ( SPA )

Admin-and-User-Login-using-Laravel-Jetstream-in-Laravel-8 LaravelGitzella

Admin and User Login using Laravel Jetstream in Laravel 8

Here is the code to create an admin login and a user login in your Laravel project using Jetstream.

laravel-custom-registration-and-login LaravelGitzella

laravel custom registration and login

This repository serves as a comprehensive example of implementing a Custom Registration and Login in a Laravel application.

laravel-one-to-many-eloquent-relationship LaravelGitzella

laravel one to many eloquent relationship

This repository serves as a comprehensive example of implementing a One-to-Many Eloquent Relationship in a Laravel application.

laravel-many-to-many-eloquent-relationship LaravelGitzella

laravel many to many eloquent relationship

This repository serves as a comprehensive example of implementing a Many-to-Many Eloquent Relationship in a Laravel application.

laravel-one-to-one-eloquent-relationship LaravelGitzella

laravel one to one eloquent relationship

This repository serves as a comprehensive example of implementing a One-to-One Eloquent Relationship in a Laravel application.