BiometricAuthentication AndroidGitzella


authentication by fingerprint method. (androidx biometrics library used)

Android-NewPermissionRequest AndroidGitzella

Android NewPermissionRequest

As of June 2021, there have been some changes related to user permissions on Android. The methods 'startActivityForResult', 'onActivityResult' and...

RoundedCorner AndroidGitzella


Design example with rounded corners for button and dialog

Client-Server-App AndroidGitzella

Client Server App

The aim is to synchronize the movements in one application with the other application. The application must be able to...

SwipeTouchListener AndroidGitzella


Listener definition for a callback to be called when a swipe event is dispatched to a view

CountriesApp AndroidGitzella


an android application that shows countries and country details. Many advanced technologies (Retrofit, RoomDB, Coroutines, Dagger - Hilt-Injection, RXJava, Extensions,...

Movie AndroidGitzella


MovieApp is movies app built with android architecture components and the repository pattern (LiveData, ViewModel, Room, Retrofit).

RouteAppAndroid AndroidGitzella


You can plan travel with Route. You can sort the places you have saved by distance and specify their priorities....