Toolbar-Samples AndroidGitzella

Toolbar Samples

Toolbar Samples with TabLayout, CollapsingToolbarLayout and scroll flags, BottomNavigationView, BottomAppBarLayout and Window insets

Posts-MVVM-DaggerHilt-Dynamic-Feature-RxJava3-Flow-Sample AndroidGitzella

Posts MVVM DaggerHilt Dynamic Feature RxJava3 Flow Sample

Posts Api sample with Kotlin RxJava3/Coroutines Flow, Clean Architecture, Offline first/last with Room + Retrofit2, Dagger Hilt, Dynamic Feature Modules,...

BubbleLayout AndroidGitzella


💬 Chat/Speech bubble layout with various properties such as arrow width, height, background color, shadow to create similar bubbles whatsapp,...

Android-DaggerHilt-DynamicFetureModule-Boilerplate AndroidGitzella

Android DaggerHilt DynamicFetureModule Boilerplate

Boilerplate to create empty project with Dagger Hilt, Dynamic Feature modules, MVVM, RxJava, Coroutines with modularization

Compose-Extended-Gestures AndroidGitzella

Compose Extended Gestures

Counterpart of onTouchEvent, TouchDelegate, Transform gestures that notifies start, end, main pointer, pointers and option to consume PointerInputChange which defines...

Flexible-Chat-Box AndroidGitzella

Flexible Chat Box

Flexible chat row written with Jetpack Compose that positions message and message status based on number of message lines, message...

Compose-Drawing-App AndroidGitzella

Compose Drawing App

✏️🚀 Drawing app written with Jetpack Compose Canvas. Draw using touch down, move and up events.Using array of paths to...

Compose-Screenshot AndroidGitzella

Compose Screenshot

🚀📸 Screenshot Composables and convert to Bitmap or ImageBitmap on user action or periodically.

CoroutinesAndFlowTutorials AndroidGitzella


Series of Tutorials about Coroutines and Flow with Retrofit, Room, and Unit tests.

Compose-Color-Picker-Bundle AndroidGitzella

Compose Color Picker Bundle

🚀🌈 🎨 Collection of Color Pickers written with Jetpack Compose with solid Color or Gradient with type, tile mode, and...

Compose-Colorful-Sliders AndroidGitzella

Compose Colorful Sliders

🚀🌈 😍 Colorful Sliders written with Jetpack Compose that enliven default sliders with track and thumb dimensions, and gradient colors,...

NavigationComponents-Tutorials AndroidGitzella

NavigationComponents Tutorials

Tutorials about Navigation Components to learn using nav graphs, adding top menus, passing arguments via safe args, combining with different...