Compose-Youtube-Motion-Layout AndroidGitzella

Compose Youtube Motion Layout

Compose Youtube Motion Layout App

Animated-Circular-Download-Button AndroidGitzella

Animated Circular Download Button

Animated Circular Download Button

Compose-Interactive-Gamepad AndroidGitzella

Compose Interactive Gamepad

Interactive gamepad made using jetpack compose

Pokedex AndroidGitzella


Pokedex - a Kotlin Multiplatform app, built with Compose multiplatform, Coroutines, Flow, Koin, Ktor, SqlDelight, Decompose, MVIKotlin, and Material 3...

Compose-Geometry-Playground AndroidGitzella

Compose Geometry Playground

Geometry playground app made using Compose multiplatform that works for both android and desktop.

Dino-Game AndroidGitzella

Dino Game

Simple Dino Game 🎮 made using Compose multiplatform ( There's no Dino but who cares 🤣 ) I used Kotlin...

Ksoup AndroidGitzella


Ksoup is a lightweight Kotlin Multiplatform library for parsing HTML, extracting HTML tags, attributes, and text, and encoding and decoding...

Compose-Rich-Editor AndroidGitzella

Compose Rich Editor

A Rich text editor library for both Jetpack Compose and Compose Multiplatform, fully customizable and supports the common rich text...

Card-Game-Animation AndroidGitzella

Card Game Animation

Sample card game app made using Jetpack Compose. Contains some complex animations.

Calf AndroidGitzella


Calf is a library that allows you to easily create adaptive UIs and access platform specific APIs with Compose Multiplatform.

compose-dnd AndroidGitzella

compose dnd

Compose DND is a library that allows you to easily add drag and drop functionality to your Jetpack Compose or...