Go_Gaga_internship AndroidGitzella


These are the templates developed as an 'Android Application Development' internship selection for Go Gaga dating Android app

Messenger-Android AndroidGitzella

Messenger Android

Realtime chat application developed using Firebase as backend & Android Jetpack components like Databinding, Room Database, MVVM architecture, RxJava and...

KKW_Alerts-Android AndroidGitzella

KKW_Alerts Android

An educational app developed for teachers and students which includes uploading and downloading of assignments and notices which used firebase...

E-Commerce-Android AndroidGitzella

E Commerce Android

🛒 E-Commerce 🛍 Android App developed using modern Android development tools and android architecture components

Tinder_Login_SignUp-Android AndroidGitzella

Tinder_Login_SignUp Android

Tinder Login & Phone Number Sign Up UI

DevFest-Android AndroidGitzella

DevFest Android

A UI made for "DevFest Android Developers" event